Our Services

Shoreline Buffers
Shoreline buffers along our lakes and rivers are extremely beneficial to our waters. They can help stabilize the shore to slow down and eliminate erosion. They help capture runoff coming from your home, driveway, and paths. The riparian zone (first 35 feet inland from the water) are crucial habitat for more than 75% of our organisms and it needs to be protected.
We are happy to help design, plan, and plant these types of projects for you. Indigenous plant buffers need to be at least 10 feet wide to ensure the buffer does its job. These areas can be designed to your taste.

Rain Gardens
Rain gardens are a great way to add functional habitat to your landscape. Rain gardens are designed to capture run-off coming from our roofs, sidewalks, or driveways. They are sized based on the area that is draining to them and the soils present.
Contrary to popular belief, rain gardens do not cause a greater presence of mosquitos. Mosquitos need a minimum of 7 days for their eggs to hatch. Rain gardens are designed to get ponding water back into the ground in 1-2 days.
We are happy to help design, plan, and plant these types of projects for you. These areas can be designed to your taste.

Lawn & Garden Bed Transformation
Are you ready to transform your lawn into a more natural habitat? We’re here to help! We will work with you to transform your yard into habitat. We do want you to be aware that if this is your plan, you will need to be prepared to have many talks with neighbors and possibility municipal staff.
We are happy to help design, plan, and plant these types of projects for you. These areas can be designed to your taste.
If you want to stick to your lawn and just transform your garden beds into indigenous plants, we are also happy to help with that. We can help design and plan these types of projects but planting these projects may fall to you.

Point Intercept Surveys
Point intercepts surveys are specialized surveys that are conducted on our lakes. These surveys are repeated every 5 years to track changes in the aquatic plant community.
We have years of experience completing these surveys and have worked around the state completing them.
We are a small crew so our prices are dependent on the size and depth of your lake. We are happy to see what your lake group needs and how we can make it work.

Winter Sown Plants
We offer two services.
We can teach you how to winter sow your own plants. We can show you how to collect seeds from your indigenous plants, clean them and then plant them. We use a mini green house technique. Native plant seeds need a freeze stratification period to be successful. These seeds can be planted come late fall or early winter on the landscape but may be lost to critters searching for food during the winter. Our winter sow technique helps keep the seeds protected as they develop into seedlings.
We also have a number of plants available each summer that are grown through the winter sow process. These plants can be used for any of your projects. If you are interested in receiving our list of available plants each spring, please contact wiplantgal@gmail.com.
Other Home Projects
Are you trying to add a little more nature to your home?
Are you interested in adding a rain barrel? A bat or owl house? Do you want to attract a certain type of wildlife to your home?
We are here to help! We can share resources, help with installs, and plant areas if that is a portion of your plan.
While we are not experts on everything, we are happy to help you take the next steps!